Ergonomics & Tips on How To Keep Your Workstation Organized

Can you ever imagine, you keeping your boss waiting, as you are not able to find the document required? Are you experiencing of arriving late to the office meetings and missing out on your deadlines?

Some of us are organized by nature but some need to improve on this skill of being organized. Below are some of the tips on, how you could keep your workstation supplies organized which is easy-to-do

 * Have home for the pocket stuff
Small things like your cell phone, your wallet, car keys, blue tooth should have a home or a proper place. Keep a small drawer for these things to keep them aside. That space could be under your monitor too, which is usually not in used.

 * Get rid of the stationary which you do not required
Generally, at the end of every month, you end up having the type of stationary which you do not require, e.g. pens, pencils, erasers etc. Please feel free to donate to your office supplies closet, as they actually make clutter on your desk. Away from lesser clutter you get close to organized desk.

 * Filing access should be easy
Without getting up from your chair, you should be able to keep the documents in the file and label it. Have you ever given a thought on, lesser the efforts on filing work, lesser difficult it becomes to stay organized?

 * Place things on the basis of frequency of use
It is a simple rule that, the things which you use on daily basis should be placed nearer than the things you need on weekly or monthly basis. You can always arrange your cubical more aesthetically than usefulness.

 * The electronic items should be out of sight
Few electronic items like battery backup, CPU holders, firewall, wireless router, cable modem should never be on your desk. Even though you have more space on your desk, this material desk and workstation supplies represents the visual clutter there. Lesser the clutter on your desk, you save time on clearing the clutter and making your office desk organized.

 * Scanned documents on your computer
All important documents are generally scanned and turned in PDF and kept on computer for the records. Especially if you are traveling on frequent basis, you need to have all the details on your computer for the records. Once you save all these documents on your computer, these documents will not get scattered all over your desk and easily accessible to you as and when needed.

 * Organize the wires of different electronics
Generally, you will find the desks are covered with the wires of different electronic devices, spread all over. Make sure, these long wires are tuck out properly. Given an option, go for wireless devices which are supported by WiFi or Bluetooth.

 * A proper place for the notepad
While you work, you need to jot down so many things like, telephone numbers, order confirmations, purchase order numbers, tracking numbers etc. If all these things remain at one place, you do not need to look here and there for it. You will be more productive when you have all details in one place. If you have a notepad in proper place, you will find all the details whenever you required.

Keep the habit of clearing your office desk on regular basis. Do not let the things pile up on your desk. Be efficient in organizing things. Start heading in the right direction by taking efforts on organizing the workstation.


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